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发布日期:2015-04-20 点击数:

课程名称:物流管理基础 Fundamentals of Logistics Management






主讲教师:刘志学 教授 教授

联系电话:13697322956 027-87556465 13871193215

办公室:皇冠新体育大楼652 皇冠新体育大楼609

Email: lsy868@hust.edu.cn xuhe@hust.edu.cn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------














第一章 物流管理导论




文献阅读The evolution and future of logistics and supply chain managementR. H. Ballou, European Business Review, 2007);Modern logistics systems- Theory and practiceKenneth C. Williamson, JBL,1990);The integrated logistics management system-a framework and case studyHuan Neng Chiu,IJPD&LM,1995);Modeling and design of global logistics systemMarc Goetschalckx et al., EJOR,2002);Comparison of Asian and European logistics systemsJ. H. Bookbinder, IJPD&LM,2003);Reliable logistics networks design with facility disruptionsPeng Peng, TRB, 2011);Impact of logistics processes on competitiveness of companiesJonas ČEPINSKIS, 2010);We must find the courage to changeDouglas M. Lambert & Matias G. Enz, JBL, 2015



第一章 物流管理导论(续)


第二章 物流系统功能



文献阅读Towards collaborative, intermodal hub networksBas Groothedde et al, Transport Res. E, 2005);Integrated inventory and transportation mode selection- A service parts logistics systemErhan Kutanoglu et al., Transport Res. E, 2008);Integrating the warehousing and transportation functions of the supply chainScott J. Mason, et al. IJPE,2003);An empirical study of RFID implementation in the warehousing industryB.S. Vijayaraman and Barbara A. Osyk, IJLM, 2006; Methodology based on Geographic Information Systems for biomass logistics and transport optimisationC. Perpin ˜a et al, Renewable Energy, 2009; Integration of inventory and transportation decisions in a logistics systemQiuhong Zhao et al., Transport Res. E, 2010; Integration of inventory and transportation decisions in a logistics systemFelix T.S. Chan, T. Zhang et al., Expert Sys. With App., 2011



第二章 物流系统功能(续)






文献阅读Selection of packaging systems in supply chain from a sustainability perspective- The case of VolvoHenrik Pålsson, et al., Packaging Technology and Science, 2012);Logistics-driven packaging innovation- a case study at IKEADaniel Hellstro¨m and Fredrik Nilsson, IJRDM,2011);Optimal operations of transportation fleet for unloading activities at container portsSeungmo Kang, et al., TRB,2008);Logistics information systemsPetri Helo and Bulcsu Szekely, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2005);Perception on information and communication technology perspectives in logisticsShaligram Pokharel, The Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2005);Added value, enterprise value and competitive advantageDavid Waters et al., Management Decision,2002);The firm as a value-added system-integrating logistics, operations and purchasingStanley E. Fawcett, IJPD&LM,2002);Design and development of logistics workflow systems for demand management with RFIDC.K.M. Lee, Expert with Application, 2011



第三章 物流战略管理



文献阅读Logistics StrategyMicheal A. McGinnis,JBL,2002);Methodology For Logistics Strategy PlanningAlan Rushton and Richard Saw,IJLM,1992);A strategy for third-party logistics systems-A case analysis using the blue ocean strategyChangsu Kim et al, Omega,2008);Robust optimization for emergency logistics planning- Risk mitigation in humanitarian relief supply chainsAharon Ben-Tal, TRB, 2011



第三章 物流战略管理(续)


第四章 物流客户服务




文献阅读The strategic benefits of logistics alliancesBowersox,HBR,1990);Logistical Alliances-Trends and prospects in integrated EuropePrabir K. Bagchi,JBL,1998Globalisation strategies and business organisation of a network of logistics service providersW. Lemoine,IJPD&LM,2003);Customer perceptions on logistics outsourcing in the European consumer goods industryRichard Wilding, IJPD&LM,2004);Innovation management of logistics service providers- Foundations, review, and research agendaChristian Busse, IJPD&LM,2011

案例:BAX Global&Dell;安泰达物流;夏晖物流




第四章 物流客户服务(续)



第五章 物流服务方案设计



文献阅读The firm as a value-added system-integrating logistics, operations and purchasingStanley E. Fawcett,Stanley A. Fawcett,IJPD&LM,2002);Designing a reverse logistics operation for short cycle time repair servicesM. Mehdi Amini,IJPE,2005);A web-based logistics management system for agile supply demand network designPetri Helo,JMTM,2006);Strategies for customer service level protection under multi-echelon supply chain disruption riskAmanda J. Schmitt, TRB,2011



第五章 物流服务方案设计(续)




文献阅读On Planning and Design of Logistics Systems for Uncertain EnvironmentsCarlos F. Daganzo, IJPD&LM,1999);Enterprise logistics and supply chain structure_the role of fitGregory N. Stock, JOM,2000);Logistics organizations- Ideologies, principles and practice Stig Johannessen, IJLM,2002);A model for designing multiple products logistics networksHongze Ma, IJPD&LM,2006);Logistics service performance contracts- design, contents and effectsHelena Forslund, IJPD&LM,2009);Reliable logistics networks design with facility disruptionsPeng Peng, TRB,2011



第六章 第三方物流



文献阅读Third-Party Logistics-Some User Versus Provider PerspectivesPual R. Murphy,JBL,2000);A conceptual model for selecting and evaluating third-party reverse logistics providersLaura Meade,IJPD&LM,2002);Third-party logistics-a literature reviewAlessandra Marasco,IJPE,2008);Integration between manufacturers and third party logistics providersOle Mortensen, IJOPM, 2008);The year 2007 survey-Provider CEO perspectives on the current status and future prospects of the third party logistics industry in the Asia-Pacific regionRobert Lieb et al,IJPD&LM,2008);An analysis of third-party logistics performance and service provision (Chiung-Lin Liu, Andrew C. Lyons, TRE, 2011); Third-party logistics selection problem- A literature review on criteria and methodsAicha Aguezzoul, OMEGA, 2014



第六章 第三方物流()



案例:海尔日日顺物流;中国邮政物流; 2013/2014 Annual Third-party Logistics Study Report; State of third party logistics providers in ChinaAlbert Wee Kwan et al, IM&DS, 2014


第七章 物流成本管理





文献阅读 An activity-based costing model for logistics operations of manufacturers and wholesalersOuit Manunen et al,IJL,2000);Developing a framework for evaluating the logistics costs in global sourcing processesAmy Z. Zeng et al, IJPD&LM, 2003);Reduce logistics cost at GMDennis E. Blumenfeld,Interfaces,1987);A service-costing framework for logistics companies and a case studyAdil Baykasoglu and Vahit Kaplanoglu, Management Research News, 2007; Success factors and cost management strategies for logistics outsourcingGeorge N. Kenyon, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 2011

案例:神龙汽车公司物流成本控制途径; 作业成本法对物流成本分析的改善案例


第八章 物流管理前沿




文献阅读Enterprise logistics and supply chain structure: the role of fitGregory N. Stock et al., JOM, 2000);Logistics collaboration in supply chains- practice vs. theoryErik Sandberg,IJLM, 2007);Integrated inventory and transportation mode selection-A service parts logistics systemHeung-Suk Hwang, Computers&Industrial Engineering, 2002);Reverse logistics-A review of the literature and framework for future investigation (Craig R. Cater, JBL, 1998)The dynamic design of a reverse logistics network from the perspective of third-party logistics service providers, Hokey Min,IJPE, 2008; Supply chain integration with third-party logistics providers (Jayanth Jayarama, Keah-Choon Tan, IJPE, 2010)Information sharing and collaboration practices in reverse logistics (Festus O. Olorunniwo, Xiaoming Li, SCM, 2010); Planning a sustainable reverse logistics system_ Balancing costs with environmental and social concerns (Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos, OMEGA, 2014)



第八章 物流管理前沿(续1


文献阅读Revenue management: research overview and prospectsMcGill,J.I. and Van Ryzin,G.J. Transp. Sci., 1999);The underlying markov decision process in the single-leg airline yield management problem Lautenbacher,C.J. and Shaler Stidham,JR., Transp. Sci., 1999


第八章 物流管理前沿(续2


文献阅读Introduction to the theory and practice of yield managementNetessine and Shumsky, Informs transactions on education, 2002);Revenue management games: Horizontal and vertical competitionNetessine and Shumsky, Management Sci., 2005

学生分组演讲: The “Killer Application” of Revenue Management: Harrah's Cherokee Casino & Hotel (Metters, R., et al, Interface, 2008)


第八章 物流管理前沿(续3


文献阅读Effects of centralization on expected costs in a multi-location newsboy problemEppen, Management science, 1979);A postponement model for demand managementAnanth V. Iyer, Vinayak Deshpande, Zhengping Wu, Management Sci., 2003);Capturing the risk-pooling effect through demand reshapeAmit Eynan, Thierry Fouque, Management Sci., 2003);On the relation between the benefits of risk pooling and the variability of demandGerchak, and Qi-Ming HE, IIE trans., 2003);Who benefits from transshipment? Exogenous vs. endogenous wholesale pricesLingxiu Dong and Nils Rudi, Management Sci., 2004);Conditions that cause risk pooling to increase inventoryEuropean Journal of Operational Research 1922009


第八章 物流管理前沿(续4



文献阅读Managing production and procurement through option contracts in supply chains with random yield (Xu HeIJPE1262010)Contracting with an urgent supplier under cost information asymmetry (Xu He et al.European Journal of Operational Research 2062010)

学生分组演讲: Managing the Seed-Corn Supply Chain at Syngenta (Jones, R. C., et al, Interface, 2003)


1. 教材:(美)道格拉斯.兰伯特.物流管理.第二版. 张文杰等译. 电子工业出版社,2007

2. 参考书

1美)罗纳德. H. 巴罗 等著. 企业物流管理——物流的规划、组织与控制. 修订本. 王晓东等译. 机械工业出版社,2009

2(英)约翰.曼根,等著.国际物流与供应链管理. 刘志学、左晓露等译. 电子工业出版社,2011

3Donald Bowersox et al. Supply Chain Logistics Management. McGraw Hill, 2006

4)(美Carlos F.Daganzo.物流系统分析.2. 沈欣译. 机械工业出版社,2006

5)(德)汉斯.克里斯蒂安.波弗尔著.物流前沿.4. 张庆英等译. 电子工业出版社,2010

6James R. Stock and Douglas M. Lambert. Strategic Logistics Management. 4ed., McGraw Hill, 2001

7)(美)罗德华.佛莱哲利著. 物流管理战略咨询. 任建标译. 中国财政经济出版社,2003

8)(英)马丁.克里斯托弗著.物流与供应链管理.4. 何明珂等译. 电子工业出版社,2012

9)(美)约翰.科伊尔等著.企业物流管理. 文武等译. 电子工业出版社,2003

3. 相关期刊与网站

1. 中国管理科学

2. 工业工程与管理

3. 计算机集成制造系统

4. 中国物流与采购

5. 物流技术

6. 物流技术与应用

7. Management Science

8. Operations Research

9. Transportation Science

10. Production and Operations Management

11. Manufacturing& Service Operations Management

12. European Journal of Operational Research

13. Journal of Business Logistics

14. International Journal of Logistics Management

15. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

16. International Journal of Operation and Production Management

17. International Journal of Production Economics

18. Transportation Research Part B Methodological

19. Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review

20. Naval Research Logistics



