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【学术通知】河北工业大学经济与皇冠新体育张昱城教授:Antecedents and Consequences of Abusive Supervision: two Meta-analytic Review
发布日期:2019-03-19 点击数:


演讲主题:Antecedents and Consequences of Abusive Supervision: two Meta-analytic Review

主 讲 人:张昱城,河北工业大学经济与皇冠新体育教授、博士生导师

主 持 人:廖建桥,工商管理系教授




张昱城,河北工业大学经济与皇冠新体育教授、博士生导师。元光学者,担任Business Ethics: A European Review(JCR一区,SSCI影响因子:3.029)期刊副主编,The International Journal of Human Resource Management(JCR二区,SSCI影响因子:2.425)期刊编委,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科项目各一项,河北省社科优秀成果奖获得者。担任管理学/商学领域内主流期刊Human Relations、Journal of Vocational Behavior、Journal of Business Ethics、Asia Pacific Journal of Management等期刊审稿人。其研究领域为辱虐管理、家庭友好型人力资源实践、管理学大数据、多层分析模型,元分析方法等。自2014年以来,张昱城教授已在Journal of Management、Tourism Management、Journal of Vocational Behavior、Journal of Business Ethics、The International Journal of Human Resource Management、Asia Pacific Journal of Management等国际期刊发表SSCI论文20余篇。

讲座简介:Organizational studies have employed several theories to explain the dysfunctional effects of abusive supervision on employee contextual performance, including OCBs and CWBs. Despite such improvement, prior studies have not provided a comprehensive picture of why abusive supervision influences employee contextual performance and which mechanism matters more for OCBs and CWBs, respectively. Our research conducted two meta-analytic review and incorporated both justice and resource perspectives, two most salient theoretical explanations, to test their specific mediating roles. Using meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM), the results indicated that organizational justice mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and OCBs, while work stress transmitted the influences of abusive supervision on both OCBs and CWBs. In addition, the results also revealed that abusive supervision influenced OCBs and CWBs through two distinct mechanisms. Specifically, justice perspective accounted more for the effect of abusive supervision on OCBs, while resource perspective accounted more for the impact of abusive supervision on CWBs. Our meta-analysis offers a thorough review and deepens the understanding of how abusive supervision influences employee contextual performance. Implications and directions for future research are also discussed.
