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【学术通知】加拿大劳埃尔大学拉扎里得斯商学院营销系副教授邱淳:Mobile Coupon Acquisition and Redemption for Restaurants: The Effects of Store Clusters as a Double-Edged Sword
发布日期:2019-04-04 点击数:


演讲主题:Mobile Coupon Acquisition and Redemption for Restaurants: The Effects of Store Clusters as a Double-Edged Sword

主 讲 人:邱淳(Martin Qiu),加拿大劳埃尔大学拉扎里得斯商学院营销系副教授(终身教职)

主 持 人:阎俊副教授,皇冠新体育工商管理系




邱淳博士于1996年本科毕业于华中科技大学经济学院,2008年获得加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)商学院营销专业博士学位,曾任教于加拿大麦基尔大学McGill University,现为加拿大劳埃尔大学拉扎里得斯商学院(Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University)营销系副教授(终身教职)。他的研究方向是零售管理,大数据营销,移动营销和企业社会责任,他的研究成果发表在Journal of Retailing,European Journal of Marketing, Marketing Letters,Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics等一流商业期刊上。


In the era of mobile technology, smartphones have become a major distribution channel for coupons. Store clusters, defined as a set of stores with similar and complementary offerings that are physically located in close proximity, play a pivotal role in retailer operations. Nevertheless, many questions remain unanswered as to the extent to which store clusters affect a store's promotional outcome in the era of mobile technology. From the information collected on 11,222 mobile coupons issued by 1,799 restaurants in Hangzhou City, China, this paper investigates how store clusters in the format of shopping centers affect mobile coupon acquisition and redemption. The study identifies store clusters as a “double-edged” sword, in the sense that they affect coupon acquisition and redemption in a contrary manner. Specifically, for a focal store, a higher shopping center density around, and a closer distance to, the shopping center nearby leads to a higher amount of coupon acquisition but to a lower redemption rate. The results are robust in different model specifications and variable measures. This research also investigates the impact of coupon features on coupon acquisition and redemption, as well as the moderating effects of store clusters on coupon features.
