演讲主题:Do App Developers Respond to Unsatisfactory Sales Performance by Being More Agile? A Behavioral Strategy Perspective
主 讲 人:周诗豪助理教授,南京大学
主 持 人:杨彦武教授
活动时间:2019年4月23日 (周二)上午 10:00—11:30
活动地点: 皇冠新体育119室
Shihao Zhou is an assistant professor in the Department of E-Commerce, School of Business at the Nanjing University. He received his Ph.D. in management from Virginia Tech. His research interests focus on digital innovation, corporate R&D, innovation in the Chinese context, and information technology strategy. He has published in the Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Journal of Knowledge Management and presented his research at the annual meetings of the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society. His papers are under the R&R at MIS Quarterly.
Competition in the mobile app market is highly intense. Therefore, app developers are often highly sensitive to unsatisfactory sales performance. Implementing agile development is widely viewed as a way to improve an app’s sales performance. This study builds on behavioral strategy theory and attempts to answer an important question: why do app developers often fail to react to unsatisfactory sales performance by increasing the use of agile development? We suggest that although unsatisfactory sales performance encourages the search for solutions that result in performance improvements, it also triggers perceived threats and organizational rigidity, which restrict the attention given to changing consumer demands, decelerate organizational processes, reduce team autonomy and consequently reduce agility. Furthermore, we argue that app developers with unsatisfactory sales performance are likely to be more agile when they pay more attention to agile development as a solution to the performance problem (i.e., when they receive highly heterogeneous or lengthy customer feedback) and when they are less vulnerable to unsatisfactory sales performance (i.e., when they have rich operational experience or when the app has good quality performance). We employ a deep learning-based method to measure agile development, test our model using a large mobile app dataset, and find support for our arguments. Our results illustrate that app developers’ decisions and behaviors are constrained by bounded rationality. We discuss the implications of our study for mobile app management, agile development and behavioral strategy theory literature and practitioners.