演讲主题: Spillover Effects of Home Sharing on Local Markets: Evidence from Local Tourist Attractions
主 讲 人: 刘 勇,美国亚利桑那大学教授
主 持 人: 杨彦武,皇冠新体育工商管理系教授
活动时间: 2019年10月15日(周二)14:00-15:00
活动地点: 皇冠新体育412教室
刘勇教授现任美国亚利桑那大学艾勒皇冠新体育市场营销系终身正教授、艾勒讲席教授。他的研究兴趣包括创新创业、社交媒体、互联网商业模式、第三方产品信息(尤其是消费者口碑和专业评论)、文化与媒体产业的市场战略、大数据环境下的顾客分析与企业战略、以及产品危机中的企业战略。刘勇教授是在国际上最早运用开源数据系统地研究互联网、社交媒体口碑和产品评论的学者之一。其研究成果发表在Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics的期刊上。刘勇教授现任顶级学术期刊美国《营销科学》和《市场营销》编审委员会成员、《零售研究》和《决策科学》副主编。他在社交媒体、互联网口碑以及文化创意产品营销方面的研究成果被美国《纽约时报》、《布鲁博格新闻》和《商业周刊》等权威媒体报道,其研究项目获得包括中国国家自然科学基金、美国沃顿商学院沃顿客户研究中心 (Wharton CAI) 等组织的资助。刘勇教授在国内外包括亚利桑那大学、清华大学经管学院、长江商学院、中欧国际工商学院、中国科学技术大学、上海财经大学等多个EMBA和高管培训项目中讲授营销战略、创新创业、用户洞察以及产品创新课程,曾获得包括EMBA杰出课程奖、课程创新奖、最有价值教授 (Most Valuable Professor) 以及美国市场营销科学学会 (Marketing Science Institute) 青年学者奖在内的多个奖项。
Home sharing, as a key element of the sharing economy, has revolutionized the way people travel. This paper examines an important yet unexplored impact of home sharing on local markets: the spillover on local tourist attractions. We investigate how the entry and supply expansion of home sharing affect the popularity as well as consumer experience of the attractions. Using large-scale data of home-sharing properties and traveler reviews of local attractions, we leverage a quasi-experiment design based on variations in the timing of home-sharing entry and expansion across different attractions to estimate the spillover effects. The findings provide strong evidence that home sharing generates greater demand for local attractions through capacity expansion. This increase is particularly pronounced for high-demand attractions and during peak seasons, but is weakened in attractions which are surrounded by a higher concentration of traditional hotels. Further, home sharing elevates consumer experience at local tourist attractions, with the effect greater for high-demand attractions. These findings constitute a valuable addition to the literature on the sharing economy, platform-based markets, and destination marketing.