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【学术通知】中山大学皇冠新体育助理教授黄文诺:When Sunlight Dims Exposure: How Pay Compression and I-Deals Make Pay Transparency a Moving Target

  • 发布日期:2021-11-30
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: When Sunlight Dims Exposure: How Pay Compression and I-Deals Make Pay Transparency a Moving Target

主 讲 人: 黄文诺,中山大学皇冠新体育助理教授

主 持 人: 白   芸,皇冠新体育工商管理系讲师

活动时间: 2021年12月5日(周日)上午10:00-11:30

活动地点: 管理大楼126室


Dr. Man-Nok Wong is an assistant professor in management at school of business, Sun Yat-sen University. His current research focuses on interpersonal and team processes, newcomer socialization, compensation strategy, and social relations model.


Drawing from Bernstein’s (2017) transparency-privacy model, we theorize that firm-level pay transparency is associated with managerial and employee hiding and may thus become a moving target. We posit a serial indirect effect of pay transparency on i-deal grants (a less observable form of remuneration) via variable pay compression and employee i-deal requests, with this indirect effect amplified in firms characterized by collectivist shared values. We test the causal linkage between pay transparency and pay compression in two simulation-based experiments, and test the overall model in a time-lagged, multi-source field study using a sample of 111 medical device distribution firms. Supporting the notion that pay transparency may be a moving target, we demonstrate that: (a) firm-level pay transparency (relative to secrecy) is predictive of greater pay compression, (b) firm-level pay transparency and i-deals (employees’ requests and managers’ grants) are largely explained by pay compression, and (c) this relationship is strengthened in firms characterized by more collectivist shared values. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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