演讲主题: An Easyguide to Social Relations Analyses
主 讲 人: 黄文诺,中山大学皇冠新体育助理教授
主 持 人: 白 芸,皇冠新体育工商管理系讲师
活动时间: 2021年12月6日(周一)上午10:30-12:00
活动地点: 管理大楼121室
Dr. Man-Nok Wong is an assistant professor in management at school of business, Sun Yat-sen University. His current research focuses on interpersonal and team processes, newcomer socialization, compensation strategy, and social relations model.
Interpersonal phenomena (e.g., interpersonal help, trust) in organizations are more complex than commonly thought. Yet, using the nuanced methods to investigate dyadic phenomena can be challenging. This seminar introduces to researchers the Social Relations Model (SRM) — a conceptual framework of studying two-person phenomena. Topics to be covered include basic principles and design considerations of social relations analyses (analyses based on SRM). Meanwhile, I will provide a step-by-step guide to conduct social relations analyses using a web-based shiny app called SRM_R (https://davidakenny.shinyapps.io/SRM_R/). Recommended reporting standards and best practices of analyzing dyadic data will also be discussed. No prior familiarity with R or any other advanced statistical software is required. Participants will learn how to apply social relations analyses in their projects.