演讲主题: Green Financing and Politicians’Incentives: Evidence from Proprietary Loan Assessment Data
主 讲 人: 吕 梦,复旦大学皇冠新体育博士生
主 持 人: 郭 炜,皇冠新体育会计系主任、教授
活动时间: 2023年3月30日(周四)14:00-16:00
活动地点: 管理大楼116教室
吕梦,复旦大学皇冠新体育会计学在读博士生,先后于2015年和2018年获得南京大学管理学学士和硕士学位。主要研究领域为绿色金融、审计和公司治理、信息披露等。研究成果发表于Abacus、Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation、Auditing: A Journal of Practice &Theory、《南开管理评论》、《会计研究》和《审计研究》等国内外重要学术期刊,并有多篇论文正在投稿、返修或完善中。
We examine the role of local politicians’ incentives on bank’s green loan decisions by obtaining a proprietary internal branch-loan level dataset on the borrowers’ environmentalriskratings from one of the largest banks in China. We first find that the bank’s environmental risk ratings of its borrowers reflect the real environmental risks that the borrowers face and that the bank prices the loans accordingly. Then, we find that the individual branch’s consideration of the borrowers’ environmental risk ratings weakens when city government leaders have political incentives to enhance local macroeconomic growth. Overall, we highlight that green financing initiatives are compromised and influenced by local officials’ political incentives.