演讲主题: Cooperative Games Models for Scheduling Problems
主 讲 人: 齐向彤,香港科技大学工学院工业工程与决策分析系教授
主 持 人: 李建斌,皇冠新体育副院长、生产运作与物流管理系教授
活动时间: 2023年4月10日(周一)上午10:00-12:00
活动地点: 管理大楼121教室
Xiangtong Qi is a professor in Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests are applied optimization and game theory, with applications from a broad range of fields such as logistics, production, service, and telecommunication. He has published more than seventy papers in major academic journals, and co-authored the book Disruption Management: Framework, Models and Applications. He has been as Associate Editor for the journals of IISE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Flexible Sciences and Manufacturing Journal, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research.
Cooperative game theory focuses on schemes that lead to a global collaboration among multiple independent decision makers. In cooperative game theory, one basic concept is the allocation in the core that characterizes how the players shall share the cost/benefit in a way acceptable to all sub-coalitions. Unfortunately, it is well known that many cooperative games have an empty core, including games concerning scheduling problems. For such games the global collaboration will not be sustainable.
We consider a situation where an outside party has the need to stabilize the ground coalition because, for example, the best social welfare can be achieved only when all players collaborate. We introduce a few economic treatments that can be used by the outside party such as providing subsidy and charging penalty. These treatments, including their concepts and implementations, are demonstrated by games related to scheduling problems.