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【学术通知】西安交通大学教授舒成利:How does supplier and customer digital innovation impact manufacturers’ digital transformation?

  • 发布日期:2023-07-09
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演讲主题: How does supplier and customer digital innovation impact manufacturers’ digital transformation?

主讲人: 舒成利,西安交通大学教授

主持人: 刘金鑫,皇冠新体育创新创业与知识产权系讲师

活动时间: 2023年7月14日(周五)16:00-18:00

活动地点: 管理大楼119室


舒成利,西安交通大学我学院长助理、市场营销系主任、商务创新与组织管理研究所所长、皇冠新体育国际项目中心主任,担任中国高校市场学研究会副会长、陕西省管理科学研究会常务副会长兼秘书长、教育部评估中心评估专家等,陕西高校青年创新团队(智能产品开发与管理创新团队)负责人,主持国家社科基金重大项目1项、国家自科基金面上项目2项、国家外专项目1项等科研、教改项目。在国际一流期刊Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,Journal of International Marketing,Journal of Business Ethics,Journal of Product Innovation Management,Technovation等发表期刊论文60多篇。


Digital transformation is not only a strategic decision of a single enterprise, but also affected by actions of its suppliers and customers. From the perspective of interorganizational learning, we explore the individual impacts of supplier digital innovation (SDI) and customer digital innovation (CDI) on manufacturers’ digital transformation (MDT) as well as the contingent effects of manufacturers’ R&D input and market power. Using an unbalanced panel dataset with 1622 observations over a 9-year period (2012-2020), this study reveals a U-shaped relationship between SDI and MDT, and reversely, an inverted U-shaped relationship between CDI and MDT. The results show that R&D strengthens the U-shaped relationship but do not work for the inverted U-shaped relationship. The analyses also reveal that changes in market power have altered the asymmetric structure of the supply chain, thus the impact of SDI and CDI on MDT has become completely opposite.


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