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【学术通知】伦敦玛丽女王大学工商皇冠新体育和法学院高级讲师Fernando Barrio:An Exploration of the Relationship between Law and Business

  • 发布日期:2023-09-01
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: An Exploration of the Relationship between Law and Business

主 讲 人: Fernando Barrio,伦敦玛丽女王大学工商皇冠新体育和法学院高级讲师

主 持 人: 阳维,创新创业与知识产权系讲师

活动时间2023年9月4日(周一) 14:30-16:00



The lecture will use historical and current examples, mainly from the technology sector, to show how having good knowledge of business processes and good ideas might not be enough to succeed in business, both managing established businesses or starting up a new one. Through these situations, the talk will explore what is the relationship between law and business operations, and what aspects of law are the exclusive domain of lawyers and which ones need to be known by business people.

The references are designed to show that conducting a thriving business is, partially, to know how to assess and deal with existing risks, and legal risks are some of them. The understanding of the legal and regulatory framework has as one of the purposes to minimise the legal risks and to avoid situations where inexistent risks are created by designing business ignoring the regulatory constraints.


Dr. Fernando Barrio 于 2018 年加入伦敦玛丽女王大学,担任工商皇冠新体育和法学院高级讲师,此前他曾担任阿根廷国立里奥内格罗大学(Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro)的网络法学普通教授和法律主任。他目前是 SBM 商业法高级讲师。

Dr. Fernando Barrio 的学术研究和公共参与经验最突出的主题是信息技术、知识产权、人权的全球监管及其在不同行业和企业中的应用。目前,Fernando 专注于农业食品和农业企业监管,特别是智能农业和生物技术的法律和政策问题,气候变化和可持续发展相关的商业监管框架,以及社区弹性政策。


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