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【学术通知】上海交通大学安泰经济与皇冠新体育管理科学系博士生马远征:On Fairness and Efficiency in Nonprofit Operations: Dynamic Resource Allocations

  • 发布日期:2023-11-27
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演讲主题: On Fairness and Efficiency in Nonprofit Operations: Dynamic Resource Allocations

主 讲 人: 马远征,上海交通大学安泰经济与皇冠新体育管理科学系博士生

主 持 人: 胡   鹏,供应链管理与系统工程系教授




马远征,上海交通大学安泰经济与皇冠新体育管理科学系博士生。她的主要研究兴趣为非营利运营管理,新商业模式的收益管理等。她在Production and Operations Management等期刊上发表论文,所撰写的商业案例被Ivey商学院案例库收录,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目的研究。


In nonprofit operations, both fairness and efficiency are essential goals. We study a sequential resource allocation problem balancing fairness and efficiency for nonprofit operations. (Un)fairness is measured by the expected maximum demand shortfall among all communities, and (in)efficiency is measured by the expected remaining resources after allocation. We characterize the optimal allocation policy as a two-threshold policy in which the optimal allocation quantities are spoon-shaped in terms of the current maximum demand shortfall. We further show that the thresholds and optimal allocation quantity for each community are nondecreasing in resource levels, realized demand from the current community, and weight of the efficiency objective. Based on these results, we propose a simple heuristic policy and numerically show that it performs well and generates fair allocations in a stochastic majorization order. The numerical results show that adding a small weight to the fairness objective significantly improves the system’s fairness at a small efficiency cost.


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