演讲主题: Effectiveness of Virtual Influencer Endorsements
主 讲 人: 闫 霄,浙江大学皇冠新体育市场营销系博士生
主 持 人: 王梦阳,市场营销系副教授
活动时间: 2023年12月5日(周二)10:00-11:30
活动地点: 管院大楼219室
闫霄,浙江大学皇冠新体育市场营销系博士生。从事消费者行为的研究,主要关注虚拟影响者、人工智能、感官营销、跨文化认知等研究话题。研究发表在Journal of Marketing、心理学报等期刊,成果被国家自然科学基金委员会报道,参与《生活中的金钱心理学》等书籍撰写,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目的研究,获得国家留学基金委资助于美国肯塔基大学交流访问一年。
Owing to the burgeoning popularity of virtual influencers in the marketplace, the research explores how, why, when and what kind of products can be effectively endorsed by virtual influencers. We delve into the role of virtual influencers in two distinct contexts: sensory marketing and green marketing. Our findings reveal that consumers exhibit a negative response to virtual influencer endorsements associated with the proximal sensory experiences. Conversely, consumer responses to green products endorsed by virtual influencers are more favorable compared to endorsements by their human counterparts. Our research enriches the existing literature on influencer marketing, sensory marketing, and green marketing. Furthermore, it offers valuable insights for business strategy and marketing management in the digital era.