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【学术通知】印度管理发展学院营销系助理教授Shaphali Gupta:Effect of Technological Innovation Adoption Behavior on Client Engagement: An Empirical Analysis

  • 发布日期:2019-05-29
  • 点击数:



演讲主题:Effect of Technological Innovation Adoption Behavior on Client Engagement: An Empirical Analysis

主 讲 人:Dr.Shaphali Gupta,印度管理发展学院营销系助理教授

主 持 人:鲍玉昆,工商管理系教授




Shaphali Gupta 博士于2014年获得印度理工大学营销学博士学位。近十年来她的研究兴趣包括营销战略、顾客体验管理、顾客参与和广告策略。她的研究发表在营销领域国际著名期刊如Journal of Advertising, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of International Marketing,Journal of Services Research上。她讲授的课程包括营销战略、国际营销、客户关系管理和商业研究方法。她还是印度职业培训和发展协会授予的金牌讲师。她具有多年在企业从事客户关系管理的工作经历。她目前担任印度管理发展学院营销系助理教授。


Despite substantial research on both innovation and customer engagement, our discussions with managers from B2B firms across countries suggests that managers have little strategic guidance on the effect of technological innovation adoption behavior on client engagement especially in the B2B context. In this study, we resolve the following research questions of managerial importance: How does a client’s choice of the a) depth, b) breadth and c) the intergenerational adoption time for a continuous innovation affect client engagement in B2B markets? What are the managerial and theoretical implications for client engagement strategies pertaining to the launch of continuous technological innovations by multinational firms? We link client technology adoption behavior with three measures of engagement – CLV, BRV and VF. As the first study with comprehensive data of adoption behavior, satisfaction and sentiment, and firm-client engagement for multiple technological generations across 7 countries and 7 years, we provide empirical evidence to generate insights on the process of new product adoption of a multigenerational continuous technological innovation. We develop a scale for measuring client satisfaction and client sentiment in a B2B setting and bridge two streams of research – innovation management and customer engagement – to strengthen conceptual understanding of firm innovation strategies on engagement. Our results have implications for managers in B2B markets on strategic decisions related to product launch, resource allocation, client satisfaction, client sentiment, and ultimately client engagement. We also show under what conditions service recovery mitigates the negative effect of service failures on client experience in B2B space.


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