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  • 朱东红

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2009.09-2012.06 皇冠新体育 博士






1、国家自然科学基金面上项目. 虚拟现实(VR)广告对购买决策的影响研究:作用机理与协同效应. 2020-2023

2、国家自然科学基金青年项目. SoLoMo情形下“下一个最佳购物建议”(NBO)对消费者决策的影响机制研究(结题评估:优秀)

3、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目. 在线推荐情形下产品协同对消费者即时交叉购买的影响. 2014



[1] 朱东红(*),常亚平. 不务正业还是令人钦佩?县长直播带货对购买意愿的影响.南开管理评论,已录用

[2] Zhu, Dong Hong(*); Deng, Zhong Zhun. (2021). Effect of Social Anxiety on the Adoption of Robotic Training Partner. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 24(5), 343-348. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[3] Zhu, Dong Hong; He, Qi and Chang, Ya Ping. (2021). How SoLoMo-based product recommendations influence consumers' acceptance intention: the moderating role of gender. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 27(1-2), 119-142

[4] Zhu, Dong Hong; Deng, Zhong Zhun; Chang, Ya Ping. (2020). Understanding the influence of submission devices on online consumer reviews: A comparison between smartphones and PCs. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102028. (SSCI, JCR二区期刊)

[5] Zhu, Dong Hong(*); Chang, Ya Ping. (2020). Robot with humanoid hands cooks food better? Effect of robotic chef anthropomorphism on food quality prediction. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. ‏32(3), 1367-1383. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[6] Zhu, Dong Hong(*); Zhang, Zhi Jie; Chang, Ya Ping; Liang, Shichang. (2019). Good discounts earn good reviews in return? Effects of price promotion on online restaurant reviews, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 178-186. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[7] Zhu, Dong Hong; Wang, Ya Wei; Chang, Ya Ping. (2018). The influence of online cross-recommendation on consumers' instant cross-buying intention: The moderating role of decision-making difficulty. Internet Research, 28(3), 604-622. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[8] Zhu, Dong Hong; Ye, Zhen Qi; Chang, Ya Ping. (2017). Understanding the textual content of online customer reviews in B2C websites: A cross-cultural comparison between the US and China. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 483-493. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[9] Zhu, Dong Hong(*); Sun, Hui; Chang, Ya Ping. (2017). How the content of location-based advertisings influences consumers' store patronage intention. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34(7), 603-611.

[10] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping; Luo, Jian Jun. (2016). Understanding the influence of C2C communication on purchase decision in online communities from a perspective of information adoption model. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 8-16. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[11] Zhu, Dong Hong; Sun, Hui; Chang, Ya Ping. (2016). Effect of social support on customer satisfaction and citizenship behavior in online brand communities: The moderating role of support source. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 287-29. (SSCI, JCR二区期刊)

[12] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping. (2015). Effects of interactions and product information on initial purchase intention in product placement in social games: the moderating role of product familiarity. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 16(1), 22-33. (SSCI, JCR三区期刊)

[13] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping; Chang, An. (2015). Effects of free gifts with purchase on online purchase satisfaction. Internet Research, 25(5), 690-706. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[14] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping; Luo, Jian Jun; Li, Xin. (2014). Understanding the adoption of location-based recommendation agents among active users of social networking sites, Information Processing & Management, 50(5), 675-682. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[15] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping. (2014). Investigating consumer attitude and intention toward free trials of technology-based services. Computers in Human Behavior, 30(1), 328-334. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[16] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping. (2014). Understanding motivations for continuance intention of online communities in China: A comparison of active users of social networking sites and virtual communities. Information Development, 30(2), 172-180. (SSCI, JCR三区期刊)

[17] Zhu, Dong Hong; Chang, Ya Ping. (2013). Negative Publicity Effect of the Business Founder's Unethical Behavior on Corporate Image: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 30(2), 111-121. (SSCI, FT45期刊)

[18] Chang, Ya Ping; Zhu, Dong Hong (*). (2012). The role of perceived social capital and flow experience in building users' continuance intention to social networking sites in China. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 995-1001. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[19] Chang, Ya Ping; Zhu, Dong Hong (*). (2011). Understanding social networking sites adoption in China: A comparison of pre-adoption and post-adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1840-1848. (SSCI, JCR一区期刊)

[20] 常亚平, 陆志愿, 朱东红(*). (2015). 在线社会支持对顾客公民行为的影响研究. 管理学报, 12(10), 1537-1543.(CSSCI期刊)

[21] 朱东红, 常亚平. 老化品牌产品创新对消费者购买意愿的影响研究. 软科学, 2012, 26(1), 142-144. (CSSCI期刊)

[22] 常亚平, 朱东红, 李荣华. 感知产品创新对冲动购买的作用机制研究. 科研管理, 2012, 33(3), 18-26. (CSSCI期刊)

[23] 常亚平,朱东红. 社交网络用户参与动机的测量. 图书情报工作,2011, 14: 32-35.(CSSCI期刊)

[24] 常亚平, 朱东红, 张金隆. 影响消费者重复网上购物行为因素的实证研究------基于电子商务环境和网络商店因素的数据分析. 管理评论, 2009, 21(4), 65-71. (CSSCI期刊)
