1、Zhang, Y., Lu, T., Phang, C. W., & Zhang, C. (2019). Scientific Knowledge Communication in Online Q&A Communities: Linguistic Devices as a Tool to Increase the Popularity and Perceived Professionalism of Knowledge Contribution. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20(8), 3.(SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, ABS ranking 4-star期刊)
2、Zhang, Y., Phang, C. W., Gu, R., & Zhang, C. (2019). Antecedents and role of individual sociability on participation in mobile collaborative consumption. Internet Research.(SSCI&SCI, JCR Q1, 影响因子3.838)
3、Tian, J., Zhang, Y.*, & Zhang, C. (2018). Predicting consumer variety-seeking through weather data analytics. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 28, 194-207..(SSCI&SCI, JCR Q2, 影响因子2.582)
1、Zhang, Yi., Lu, X., Zhou, Y., “Consumer Voice in Technology-based Self-service Retailing.” The 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, UAE, June 2020.
2、Chen, G., Xiao, S., Zhang, Y., Lu, T., Zhang, C., “To Better Leverage Review Highlights with Multiple Tactics to Promote Consumption.” The 16th Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain, June, 2020.
3、Zhang, C., Chen, Y., Lan, H., Zhang, Y., & Lu, T. “Narrowing the Gap between Professionality and Popularity: An Empirical Investigation on Community Question Answering.” The 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, America, August 2017.
4、Zhang, Y., Phang, C. W., Cai, S., & Zhang, C. “Encouraging the Participation in Mobile Collaborative Consumption Using Gamification Design.” The 19th HCI International(HCII), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2017.
5、Cai, S., Phang, C. W., Xiao Pang, & Zhang, Y., “Participation in Collaborative Consumption - A Value Cocreation Perspective.” The 19th HCI International(HCII), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2017.
6、Tian, J., Zhang, Y., Phang, C. W., & Zhang, C. “Weather Effects on Consumer Variety-Seeking.” The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taiwan, China, July 2016.
1、Referral sharing via LBSN: the nonlinear role of the presence of friends (with Chee Wei PHANG, Xi CHEN).
2、Time pressure and idealistic value on referral sharing among strangers (with Chee Wei PHANG, Qiqi JIANG).
3、Mobile-based referral marketing: the motivating effect of uncertain rewards (with Chee Wei PHANG, Shun CAI).
4、Receiver responses to referrals from non-attractive inviters: the role of altruism framing (with Chee Wei PHANG, Rui Gu).
5、Consumer Voice in Technology based Self-Service Retailing (With Xianghua Lu).
Information System Frontiers
Internet Research
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
PACIS 2020-E-commerce and Mobile commerce track- AE