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首页 - 教师与研究 - 师资力量 - 供应链管理与系统工程系 - 正文

  • 杨露

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2016.09 – 2023.03 浙江大学皇冠新体育 管理学博士(专业:企业管理)

2019.11 – 至今 塞维利亚大学经济与企业科学系 战略管理与国际商务博士学位项目(在读)

2012.09 – 2016.06 中南财经政法大学 管理学学士(专业:物流管理)




1. Ye, Y., Yang, L.*, Huo, B., Zhao, X., “The impact of supply chain social capital on supply chain performance: A longitudinal analysis”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2023, 38 (5): 1176-1190.

2. Yang, L., Huo, B., Gu, M.*, “The impact of information sharing on supply chain adaptability and operational performance”, International Journal of Logistics Management, 2022, 33 (2): 590-619.

3. Yang, L., Huo, B., Tian, M.*, Han, Z., “The impact of digitalization and inter-organizational technological activities on supplier opportunism: The moderating role of relational ties”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2021, 41 (7): 1086-1118.

4. Gu, M., Yang, L., Huo, B.*, “The impact of information technology usage on supply chain resilience and performance: An ambidextrous view”, International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 232:107956.

5. Yang, L., Huo, B.*, “Doctoral dissertations in supply chain management: A review of Chinese contributions from 1995 to 2019”, International Journal of Logistics Management, 2021, 32 (2): 479-509.


1. Yang, L., Huo, B., Gu, M.*, “Adapt or die? Information sharing, supply chain adaptability, and firm performance”, The 13th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Session Chair, Shenzhen, China.

2. Yang, L., Huo, B.*, “What happened to doctoral dissertations in supply chain management: A review of Chinese contributions in the past twenty years”, 2019 POMS International Conference, Session Chair, Tianjin, China.

3. Yang, L., Huo, B., Ye, Y.*, “Enhancing supply chain coordination through IT implementation: The moderating role of environmental uncertainty”, 2020 POMS Annual Conference (accepted for presentation but canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

4. Yang, L., Huo, B., Machuca, J., Alfalla-Luque, R., Gu, M.*, “Leveraging social capital to build the cumulative triple-A supply chain sand cone model”, 2021 POMS Annual Conference, Online.

5. Yang, L.*, Machuca, J., Alfalla-Luque, R., Huo, B., “A systematic literature review of the drivers leading to supply chain competitive advantage”, 2021 POMS Annual Conference, Session Chair, Online.


International Journal of Operations & Production Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Production Planning and Control, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management等国际期刊审稿人
