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博士后:复旦大学皇冠新体育 管理科学与工程专业(2008)

博士:北京航空航天大学经济皇冠新体育 交通运输规划与管理专业(2006)

硕士:中南大学数学科学与计算技术学院 应用数学专业(2002)


2004年2月-2004年12月 香港理工大学 研究助理

2006年5月-2007年7月 香港理工大学 副研究员

2007年10月-2008年10月 香港理工大学 博士后

2009年6月-2011年7月 香港理工大学 博士后






• 国家自然科学基金重点项目“复杂城乡区域交通经济系统的计算建模”(编号72131008,2022.1-2026.12,206万)

• 国家杰出青年基金项目“交通基础设施投资与交通需求管理”(编号71525003,2016.1-2020.12,245万,已结题,后评估为“良好”)

• 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“交通基础设施投资与定价”(编号71222107,2013.1-2015.12,100万,已结题,后评估为“优秀”)

• 国家社科基金重大项目“城市地铁系统脆弱性评价及控制策略研究”(编号13&ZD175,2013.11-2021.1,80万,已结题,后评估为“良好”)

• 教育部博士点基金项目“城市轨道交通线路站点布局与运营优化研究”(博导类)(编号20120142110044,2013.1-2015.12,12万)

• 第13届霍英东青年教师基金应用研究课题“基于交通预报的交叉口群过饱和控制关键技术研究与实证研究”(编号132015,2012.1-2014.12,2万美金,已结题)

• 国家自然科学基金面上项目“不确定环境下公交网络均衡分析与优化研究”(编号70971045,2010.1-2012.12,26万,已结题,后评估为“特优”)

• 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目“公共交通网络可靠性理论及其应用”(编号NCET-10-0385,2010.1-2012.12,20万,已结题,后评估为“优秀”)

• 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金项目“停车换乘系统优化理论与评价研究”(编号200963,2009.1-2013.12,48万,已结题)

• 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号70701010,2008.1-2008.12,6.5万,已结题,后评估为“优秀”)


1. Yu D.P., Li Z.C., Liu B.L., Nguyen-Phuoc D.Q., 2023. Transit-oriented development and floor area ratio regulation in a transportation corridor: Formulation and a case study. Transportation Research Part A, 176, 103814

2. Liu B.L., Wang Y.D., Li Z.C., Zheng J., 2023. An exact method for vessel emission monitoring with a ship-deployed heterogeneous fleet of drones. Transportation Research Part C, 153, 104198

3. Peng Y.T., Wang Y.D., Li Z.C., Sheng D., 2023. Subsidy policy selection for shore power promotion: Subsidizing facility investment or price of shore power? Transport Policy, 140, 128-147

4. Yu X., Van den Berg, V.A.C., Li Z.C., 2023. Congestion pricing and information provision under uncertainty: Responsive versus habitual pricing. Transportation Research Part E, 175, 103119

5. Wu S., Li Z.C., 2023. Managing a bi-modal bottleneck system with manned and autonomous vehicles: Incorporating the effects of in-vehicle activity utilities. Transportation Research Part C, 152, 104179

6. Yu D.P., Li Z.C., 2023. Income distribution, implementation sequence, and equity in auto ownership rationing. Transportation Research Part B, 173, 59-89.

7. Li Z.C., Bing X., Fu X.W., 2023. A hierarchical hub location model for the integrated design of urban and rural logistics networks under demand uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research, published online

8. Liu B., Li Z.C., Wang Y., 2023. A branch-and-price heuristic algorithm for the bunkering operation problem of a liquefied natural gas bunkering station in the inland waterways. Transportation Research Part B, 167, 145-170.

9. Liu B., Li Z.C., Wang Y., 2022. A two-stage stochastic programming model for seaport berth and channel planning with uncertainties in ship arrival and handling times. Transportation Research Part E, 167, 102919.

10. Chen T., Fu X.W., Hensher D.A., Li Z.C., Sze N.N., 2022. Air travel choice, online meeting and passenger heterogeneity – An international study on travellers’ preference during a pandemic. Transportation Research Part A, 165, 439-453.

11. Chen T., Fu X.W., Hensher D.A., Li Z.C., Sze N.N., 2022. The effect of online meeting and health screening on business travel: A stated preference case study in Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part E, 164, 102823.

12. Yu X., van den Berg V.A.C., Verhoef E., Li Z.C., 2022. Will all autonomous cars cooperate? Brands’ strategic interactions under dynamic congestion. Transportation Research Part E, 166, 102825.

13. Gong X., Li Z.C., 2022. Determination of subsidy and emission control coverage under competition and cooperation of China-Europe Railway Express and liner shipping. Transport Policy, 125, 323-335.

14. Zhen S., Wang K., Chan F.T.S., Fu X., Li Z.C., 2022. Subsidy on transport adaptation investment-modeling decisions under incomplete information and ambiguity. Transportation Research Part B, 162, 103-129.

15. Li Z.C., Liu W.J., Wang X.Y., 2022. Women-only parking spaces: Determinants of parking space choice, investment decision, and a case study of Wuhan, China. Transportation Research Part C, 137, 103553.

16. Liu W.J., Gong X., Li Z.C., 2022. Airport pricing and regulation under passenger demand uncertainty. Transportmetrica B, 10 (1), 1184-1205.

17. Li Z.C., Tu N.W., Fu X.W., Sheng D., 2022. Modeling the effects of airline and high-speed rail cooperation on multi-airport systems: The implications on congestion, competition and social welfare. Transportation Research Part B, 155, 448-478.

18. Li Z.C., Wang M.R., Fu X.W., 2021. Strategic planning of inland river ports under different market structures: Coordinated vs. independent operating regime. Transportation Research Part E, 156, 102547.

19. Sheng D., Meng Q., Li Z.C., 2021. Optimal quality incentive scheme design in contracting out public bus services. Transportation Research Part C, 133, 103427.

20. Liu B.L, Li Z.C., Wang Y.D., Sheng D., 2021. Short-term berth planning and ship traffic scheduling in a busy seaport with channel restrictions. Transportation Research Part E, 154, 102467.

21. Vo K.D., Lam W.H.K, Li Z.C., 2021. A mixed-equilibrium model of individual and household activity–travel choices in multimodal transportation networks. Transportation Research Part C, 131, 103337.

22. Li Z.C., Ma Jia-Chun, 2021. Investing in inter-city and/or intra-city rail lines? A general equilibrium analysis for a two-city system. Transport Policy 108, 59-82.

23. Zhen S., Wang K., Li Z.C., Fu X., Chan F.T.S., 2021. Subsidy or minimum requirement? Regulation of port adaptation investment under disaster ambiguity. Transportation Research Part B, 150, 457-481.

24. Liu B.L, Li Z.C., Sheng D., Wang Y.D., 2021. Integrated planning of berth allocation and vessel sequencing in a seaport with one-way navigation channel. Transportation Research Part B, 143, 23-47.

25. Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Yang, H., 2020. Fifty years of the bottleneck model: A bibliometric review and future research directions. Transportation Research Part B, 139, 311-342.

26. Li Z.C., Zhang L.P., 2020. The two-mode problem with bottleneck queuing and transit crowding: How should congestion be priced using tolls and fares? Transportation Research Part B, 138, 46-76.

27. Tu Ningwen, Li Z.C., Fu Xiaowen, Lei Zheng, 2020. Airline network competition in inter-continental market. Transportation Research Part E, 143, 102117.

28. Tan Zhijia, Xu Min, Meng Qiang, Li Z.C., 2020. Evacuating metro passengers via the urban bus system under uncertain disruption recovery time and heterogeneous risk-taking behaviour. Transportation Research Part C, 119, 102761.

29. Wang T., Du Y., Fang D., Li Z.C., 2020. Berth allocation and quay crane assignment for the trade-off between service efficiency and operating cost considering carbon emission taxation. Transportation Science, 54(5), 1307-1331.

30. Li Z.C., Liu Q., 2020. Optimal deployment of emergency rescue stations in an urban transportation corridor. Transportation, 47, 445-473.

31. Li Z.C., Wu Q.Y., Yang H., 2019. A theory of auto ownership rationing. Transportation Research Part B, 127, 125-146.

32. Sang J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., 2019. Design of build-operate-transfer contract for integrated rail and property development with uncertainty in future urban population. Transportation Research Part B, 130, 36-66.

33. Sheng Dian, Meng Q., Li Z.C., 2019. Optimal vessel speed and fleet size for industrial shipping services under the emission control area regulation. Transportation Research Part C, 105, 37-53.

34. Peng Y.T., Li Z.C., Schonfeld P., 2019. Development of rail transit network over multiple time periods. Transportation Research Part A, 121, 235-250.

35. Sheng Dian, Li Z.C., Fu Xiaowen, 2019. Modeling the effects of airline slot hoarding behavior under the grandfather rights with use-it-or-lose-it rule. Transportation Research Part E, 122, 48-61.

36. Li Z.C., Wang Y.D., 2018. Analysis of multimodal two-dimensional urban system equilibrium for cordon toll pricing and bus service design. Transportation Research Part B, 111, 244-265

37. Tu N.W., Adiputranto D., Fu X.W., Li Z.C., 2018. Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia. Transportation Research Part E, 117, 108-125

38. Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., 2018. Cordon toll pricing in a multi-modal linear monocentric city with stochastic auto travel time. Transportmetrica A, 14, 22-49

39. Tan W., Li Z.C., Tan Z.J., 2017. Modeling the effects of speed limit, acceleration, and deceleration on overall delay and traffic emission at a signalized intersection. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 143, 12, DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000101

40. Guo Q.W., Sun Y., Li Z.C., Li Z.F., 2017. An integrated model for road capacity choice and cordon toll pricing. Research in Transportation Economics, 62, 68-79

41. Peng Y.T., Li Z.C., Choi K., 2017. Transit-oriented development in an urban rail transportation corridor. Transportation Research Part B, 103, 269-290

42. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., 2017. Step tolling in an activity-based bottleneck model. Transportation Research Part B, 2017, 101: 306-334

43. Sheng D., Li Z.C., Fu X., Gillen D., 2017. Modeling the effects of unilateral and uniform emission regulations under shipping company and port competition. Transportation Research Part E, 101: 99-114

44. Li Z.C., Guo Qian-Wen. Optimal time for implementing cordon toll pricing scheme in a monocentric city. Papers in Regional Science, 2017, 96: 163-190

45. Li Z.C., Sheng D. Forecasting passenger travel demand for air and high-speed rail integration service: A case study of Beijing-Guangzhou corridor, China. Transportation Research Part A, 2016, 94: 397-410

46. Li Z.C., Peng Y.T. Modeling the effects of vehicle emission taxes on residential location choices of different-income households. Transportation Research Part D, 2016, 48: 248-266

47. Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi, K. Tradable location tax credit scheme for balancing traffic congestion and environmental externalities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2016, 10: 917-934

48. Li Z.C., Yin Yan, Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A. Simultaneous optimization of fuel surcharges and transit service runs in a multi-modal transport network: A time-dependent activity-based approach, Transportation Letters, 2016, 8: 35-46

49. Tan Z.J., Yang H., Tan W., Li Z.C., 2016. Pareto-improving transportation network design and ownership regimes. Transportation Research Part B, 91: 292-309.

50. Li Z.C., Guo Q.W., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Transit technology investment and selection under urban population volatility: A real option perspective. Transportation Research Part B, 2015, 78: 318-340

51. Sheng D., Li Z.C., Xiao Y.B., Fu X. Slot auction in an airport network with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E, 2015, 82: 79-100.

52. Li Z.C., Yao M.Z., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Choi K. Modeling the effects of public bicycle schemes in a congested multi-modal road network. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2015, 9: 282-297

53. Chen Y.J., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K. Modeling transit technology selection in a linear transportation corridor. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2015, 49: 48-72

54. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Bottleneck model revisited: An activity-based perspective. Transportation Research Part B, 2014, 68: 262-287

55. Li Z.C., Sheng D. Pavement rehabilitation scheduling and toll pricing under different regulatory regimes. Annals of Operations Research, 2014, 217(1): 337-355

56. Li Z.C., Wang Ya-Dong, Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Choi K. Design of sustainable cordon toll pricing schemes in a monocentric city. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2014, 14(2): 133-158

57. Li Z.C., Ge Xiao-Yan. Traffic signal timing problems with environmental and equity considerations. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2014, 48(8): 1066-1086

58. Ge Xiao-Yan, Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi K. Energy sustainable traffic signal timings for a congested road network with heterogeneous users. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(3): 1016-1025

59. Yin Y., Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Choi K. Sustainable toll pricing and capacity investment in a congested road network: A goal programming approach. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2014, 140(12), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000720

60. Li Z.C., Li Zhao-Kun, Lam W.H.K. An integrated design of sustainable land use and transportation system with uncertainty in future population. Transportmetrica, 2014, 10(2): 160-185

61. Li Z.C., Chen Y.J., Wang Y.D., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimal density of radial major roads in a two-dimensional monocentric city with endogenous residential distribution and housing prices. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013, 43(6): 927-937

62. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Choi K. Modeling the effects of integrated rail and property development on the design of rail line services in a linear monocentric city. Transportation Research Part B, 2012, 46(6): 710-728

63. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor. Transportation Research Part E, 2012, 48(1): 50-70

64. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Modeling intermodal equilibrium for bimodal transportation system design problems in a linear monocentric city. Transportation Research Part B, 2012, 46(1): 30-49

65. Chen B.Y., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A., Li Q., Li Z.C. Vulnerability analysis for large-scale and congested road networks with demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part A, 2012, 46(3): 501-516

66. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. Optimization of number of operators and allocation of new lines in an oligopolistic transit market. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2012, 12(1): 1-20

67. Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Lam W.H.K. Modeling heterogeneous drivers’ responses to route guidance and parking information systems in stochastic and time-dependent networks. Transportmetrica, 2012, 8(2): 105-129

68. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. Environmentally sustainable toll design for congested road networks with uncertain demand. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2012, 6(3): 127-155

69. Luathep P., Sumalee A., Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Lo H.K. Global optimization method for mixed transportation network design problem: A mixed-integer linear programming approach. Transportation Research Part B, 2011, 45(5): 808-827

70. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. On the allocation of new lines in a competitive transit network with uncertain demand and scale economies. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2011, 45(4): 233-251

71. Ouyang L.Q., Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang D. Network user equilibrium model for scheduling daily activity travel patterns in congested networks. Transportation Research Record, 2011, 2254: 131-139

72. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Fu X.W. Optimal route allocation in a liberalizing airline market. Transportation Research Part B, 2010, 44(7): 886-902

73. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Sumalee A. An activity-based approach for scheduling multimodal transit services. Transportation, 2010, 37(5): 751-774

74. Lam W.H.K., Chan K.S., Li Z.C., Bell M.G.H. A risk-averse user equilibrium model for route choice problem in signal-controlled networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2010, 44(4): 219-230

75. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C. The optimal transit fare structure under different market regimes with uncertainty in the network. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2009, 9(2): 191-216

76. Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Huang H.J., Zhu D.L. Reliability evaluation for stochastic and time-dependent networks with multiple parking facilities. Networks and Spatial Economics, 2008, 8: 355-381

77. Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Sumalee A. Modeling impact of transit operator fleet size under various market regimes with uncertainty in network. Transportation Research Record, 2008, 2063: 18-27

78. Li, Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Zhu D.L., Huang H.J. Modeling park-and-ride services in a multimodal transport network with elastic demand. Transportation Research Record, 2007, 1994: 101-109

79. Huang H.J., Li Z.C. A multiclass, multicriteria logit-based traffic equilibrium assignment model under ATIS. European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, 176: 1464-1477

80. Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang H.J., Wong S.C. Modeling time-dependent travel choice problems in road networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. Transportation Research Part B, 2006, 40: 368-395


• 2020年教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第一)

• 2019年指导本科生获得“美国大学生数学建模竞赛”二等奖

• 2017年华中科技大学“三育人奖”

• 2016年入选教育部长江学者特聘教授

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• 2015年获得第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)三等奖

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• 2008年全国(百篇)优秀博士学位论文奖
