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  • Bao Yukun

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Business Administration
  • Research Interests

    Business/Energy Forecasting (with Computational Intelligence), Business Data Analytics, Information Systems/E-health/E-government/ E-learning/
  • Telephone





Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering-Information Systems), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2002

MSc (Majored in Management Science and Engineering-Information Systems), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1999

BSc (Majored in Management Information Systems), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1996

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Professor, The University of Newcastle, Australia, 2015 Feb.- to date

Visiting Professor, King Abudulaziz University/ University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabic, 2017- Oct.

Visiting Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2014- Dec.

Visiting Research Fellow, Lancaster University, UK, 2006- Jan.-2007- Jan.

Industrial Experiences

Rich experience with industries and high-end data analytics consulting service with State Grid, China General Nuclear Power Corporation, IBM etc.

Research Interests

Business/Energy Forecasting (with Computational Intelligence), Business Data Analytics, Information Systems/E-health/E-government/ E-learning/

Research Projects

Principal Investigator, “Computational Intelligence based prediction Techniques with Big Data and Their Applications in Load Forecasting”. National Natural Science Fund of China (No. 71871101). 2019-2022.

Principal Investigator, “Multi-output Support Vector Regression based Prediction Techniques”. National Natural Science Fund of China (No. 71571080). 2016-2019.

Principal Investigator, “Electricity Load Forecasting with Big Data Analytics”. State Grid.

Principal Investigator, “Maximizing the Pump Power Station’ capability for Clean Energy Usage”. State Grid.

Principal Investigator, “Forecasting with Searching Data”. MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Science (Project No.13YJA630002). 2014-2016.

Principal Investigator, “Research on Intelligent Support Vector Regression Based Forecasting Method”. National Natural Science Fund of China (No. 70771042).

Principal Investigator, “Research on Support Vector Machines Based Forecasting Method for Rarely Used Spare Parts Inventory Model”. National Natural Science Fund of China (No. 70401015).

Principal Investigator, “Inventory Control Decision Support Systems for Spare Parts”. Daya Bay Nuclear Maintenance Corporation.

Principal Investigator, “Mathematical Modeling for Procurement and Maintenance Schema”. Daya Bay Nuclear Maintenance Corporation.

Academic Activities

Membership of Academic Organizations

Standing Director of Society for Computer Simulation, Chinese Society for Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics

Peer Reviewer of Department of Management Science, Department of Information Science, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Peer Reviewer of Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China.

Deputy Director of Center for Modern Information Management, Key Institutes of Humanities and Social Science of Hubei Province

IEEE Senior Member, Since 2013

IEEE Wuhan Section, Executive Committee Member, Professional Activity Chair (2013-)

Member of Academic Conferences (Partial)

PC-Co Chair of International Conference on Applied Informatics and Technology Innovation, Newcastle University, Nov.21-Nov.24, 2016.

PC Member/Session Chair of International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO) (Technical supported by IEEE), 2008-2014.

PC Member/Session Chair of International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering (BIFE) (Technical supported by IEEE), 2008-2014.

PC Member of 2014 International work-conference on Time Series, Granada, Spain, June, 25-27.

Panelist of Doctorial Consortium, 13th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, May 31-June 1.

Session Chair of The 8th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA 8).

Session Chair of International Conference on Energy Chemical Management System Engineering. Beijing, China, Nov.29-30, 2012.

Session Chair of Australasian Conference on Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence (ACALCI 2015), 5-7 February 2015, The University of Newcastle, Australia.

Invited Speaker of IBM Summer Workshop on Big Data Analytics. Xian, China, July14-16, 2015 and IBM Summer Workshop on Business Analytics and Optimization. Xian, China, Aug.12-16, 2012.

Journal Editorship

Associate Editor, Neurocomputing (Elsevier, IF: 3.14), 2013-present

Associate Editor, Journal of Systems and Information Technology (Emerald), 2017-present

Language(English) Editor, Chinese Journal of Management (key journal listed by NSFC), 2014-present

Journal Reviewer (Regular)

IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems

IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems


Knowledge-based Systems

Tourism Management

European Journal of Operational Research

International Journal of Production Research

Electronic Commerce Research and Application

Expert Systems with Applications

Computers in Human Behavior

Applied Soft Computing

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Internal/external examination of PhD theses

Internal Ph.D. thesis examiner, Since 2005

External Ph.D. thesis examiner of City University of Hong Kong, University of Nottingham Ningbo, Zhejiang University, Sun Ya-Sen University, Xian Jiaotong University, Dalian University of Technology, University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), China South University of Technology, etc., since 2005

Representative Research Papers

Refereed Journal Articles (Descending Order in terms of Year)

(* indicates the corresponding author.)

Overall: H index (web of science) =17, citations 500+ (web of science)

H index (Google scholar) =21, citations 1500+

Computational Intelligence/Forecasting Analytics

Tao Xiong, Chongguang Li, and Yukun Bao*. Seasonal forecasting of agricultural commodity price using a hybrid STL and ELM method: Evidence from the vegetable market in China. Neurocomputing, 2018, 275: 2831-2844. (SCI)

Atuahene S, Bao Y*, Ziggah Y, et al. Short-Term Electric Power Forecasting Using Dual-Stage Hierarchical Wavelet-Particle Swarm Optimization-Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System PSO-ANFIS Approach Based On Climate Change[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(10): 2822. (SCI)

Zhongyi, Hu, Yukun, Bao, Raymond, Chiong. & Tao Xiong. Profit Guided or Statistical Error Guided? A Study of Stock Index Forecasting Using Support Vector Regression. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2017, 30(6), 1425-1442. (SCI)

Tao Xiong, Chongguang Li, and Yukun Bao*. An improved EEMD-based hybrid approach for the short-term forecasting of hog price in China. Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská Ekonomika) 63.3 (2017): 136-148. (SSCI)

Tao Xiong, Chongguang Li, and Yukun Bao*. Interval-valued time series forecasting using a novel hybrid Holt I and MSVR model." Economic Modelling, 60 (2017): 11-23. (SSCI)

Tao Xiong, Yukun Bao*, Zhongyi Hu, Raymond Chiong. Forecasting Interval Time Series Using Fully Complex-valued RBF Neural Network with DPSO and PSO Algorithm, Information Sciences, 2015, 305:77-92. (SCI, IF:3.893) DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2015.01.029.

Zhongyi Hu, Yukun Bao*, Raymond Chiong. Mid-term Interval Load Forecasting using Multi-output Support Vector Regression with a Memetic Algorithm for Feature Selection. Energy, 2015, 84:419-431. (SCI, IF:4.159, ESI highly cited paper) DOI:10.1016/j.energy.2015.03.054.

Zhongyi Hu, Yukun Bao*, Tao Xiong, Raymond Chiong. Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Feature Selection for Short-Term Load Forecasting. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2015, 40:17-27. DOI:10.1016/j.engappai.2014.12.014. (SCI, IF:1.962, ESI highly cited paper)

Tao Xiong, Chongguang, Li, Yukun Bao*, Zhongyi Hu, Lu Zhang. A Combination Method for Interval Forecasting of Agricultural Commodity Futures Prices. Knowledge-based Systems. 2015, 77:87-100. DOI:10.1016/j.knosys.2015.01.002. (SCI, IF:3.058)

Zhongyi Hu, Yukun Bao*, Tao Xiong. Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimization based Memetic Algorithm for Model Selection in Short-term Load Forecasting using Support Vector Regression. Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 25:15-25. DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2014.09.007. (SCI, IF:2.679)

Yukun Bao*, Tao Xiong, Zhongyi Hu. PSO-MISMO Modeling Strategy for Multi-Step-Ahead Time Series Prediction (Regular paper). IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B), 2014, 44(5): 655-668. DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2013.2265084. (SCI, IF:3.781, ESI highly cited paper)

Tao Xiong, Yukun Bao*, Zhongyi Hu. Interval Forecasting of Electricity Demand: A Novel Bivariate EMD-based Support Vector Regression Modeling Framework. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2014, 63:353-362. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2014.06.010. (SCI, IF:3.432)

Yukun Bao*, Tao Xiong, Zhongyi Hu, Multi-Step-Ahead Time Series Prediction using Multiple-Output Support Vector Regression. Neurocomputing, 2014, 129: 482-493. DOI:10.1016/j.neucom.2013.09.010. (SCI, IF:2.005, ESI highly cited paper)

Tao Xiong, Yukun Bao*, Zhongyi Hu. Multiple-output support vector regression with firefly algorithm for interval-valued stock price index forecasting. Knowledge-based Systems. 2014, 55:87-100. DOI:10.1016/j.knosys.2013.10.012. (SCI, IF:3.058, ESI highly cited paper)

Tao Xiong, Yukun Bao*, Zhongyi Hu. Does Restraining End Effect Matter in EMD-Based Modeling Framework for Time Series Prediction? Some Experimental Evidences. Neurocomputing. 2014, 123:174-184. DOI: 10.1016/ j.neucom.2013.07.004. (SCI, IF:2.005, ESI highly cited paper)

Information Systems/E-learning/E-health/E-government

Thongsri, N., Shen, L., & Bao, Y*. (2019). Investigating factors affecting learner’s perception toward online learning: Evidence from Class Start Application in Thailand. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1–16. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2019.1581259

Thongsri, N., Shen, L., & Bao, Y*. (2019). Investigating Academic Major Differences in perception of Computer Self-efficacy and Intention toward E-learning Adoption in China. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 1–13. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2019.1585904

Talukder, Md Shamim; Chiong, Raymond; Bao, Yukun* and Malik, Babur Hayat. "Acceptance and use predictors of fitness wearable technology and intention to recommend: An empirical study." Industrial Management & Data Systems 119, no. 1 (2019): 170-188. (SCI,SSCI)

Aboobucker Ilmudeen, and Yukun Bao*. "Mediating role of managing information technology and its impact on firm performance: insight from China." Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(4): 912-929. (SCI, SSCI)

Quaosar, GM Azmal Ali, Md Rakibul Hoque, and Yukun Bao*. "Investigating Factors Affecting Elderly's Intention to Use m-Health Services: An Empirical Study." Telemedicine and e-Health 24, no. 4 (2018): 309-314. (SCI)

Yukun Bao*, Rakibul Hoque, and Shiyu Wang. Investigating the determinants of Chinese adult children’s intention to use online health information for their aged parents. International Journal of Medical Informatics 102 (2017): 12-20. (SCI, IF:2.363)

Md. Rakibul Hoque, Yukun Bao* & Golam Sorwar Investigating Factors Influencing the Adoption of e-Health in Developing Countries: A Patient’s Perspective. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 2017, 42(1), 1-17. (SCI, IF:0.735)

Alshibly H, Chiong R, Bao Y. Investigating the Critical Success Factors for Implementing Electronic Document Management Systems in Governments: Evidence From Jordan[J]. Information Systems Management, 2016, 33(4): 287-301. (SSCI)

MD Rakibul Hoque, Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, Adnan Mustafa AlBar,Yukun Bao*. Adoption of Information and Communication Technology for Development: A Case Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangladesh. Information Development, 2016,32(4):986-1000. (SSCI, IF:0.787)

Hoque M R, Bao Y. Application of Big Data in Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges and Techniques. Managing Big Data Integration in the Public Sector, 2015: 149.

MD Rakibul Hoque, Yukun Bao*. Cultural Influence on Adoption and Use of E-health: Evidence in Bangladesh. Telemedicine and e-Health, 2015, 21(10):845-851. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2014.0128. (SCI, IF:1.668)

Md Shamsul Arefin, Md Rakibul Hoque, and Yukun Bao*. (2015). The impact of business intelligence on organization’s effectiveness: an empirical study. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 17(3), 263-285. DOI:10.1108/JSIT-09-2014-0067.

Mboni Kibelloh, Yukun Bao*. Perceptions of International Female Students Towards E-learning in Resolving High Education and Family Role Strain. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2014, 50(4):471-491. (SSCI, IF:0.659)

MD Rakibul Hoque, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum, Yukun Bao*. E-health in Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Direction. The International Technology Management Review, 2014, 4(2):87-96.

Mboni Kibelloh, Yukun Bao*. Can Online MBA Program Balance Work, Family and Career Aspirations of Professional Working Mothers? A Case Study in China. Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 2014, 23(2): 249-260. DOI: 10.1007/s40299-013-0101-1. (SSCI, IF:0.793)

Grants and Awards

The Provincial Excellent Ph.D. Degree Thesis Supervision Award (2016), Mr. Tao Xiong, “EMD-based hybrid modeling techniques for Time Series Forecasting and their Applications”, supervised by Dr. Yukun Bao.

The Provincial Excellent Master Degree Thesis Supervision Award (2013), Mr. Zhongyi Hu, “Parameters Optimization of SVMs based on Memetic Algorithms”, supervised by Dr. Yukun Bao.

Moe-IBM Excellent Faculty Award (2012), for the joint project “Business Data Mining”.

The Guandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (2005), for the development of Decision Support Systems in Nuclear Power Station Operational Management.

The Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (2004), for the development of Enterprise Information Systems for Three Ring Group Company (Key State-owned Company).

The Excellent Young Faculty Award in HUST (2005), for the excellent performance in research and teaching.

The Provincial First-class Bsc. Thesis Supervision Award (2009), Miss Xi Liu, “Modeling and Forecasting Inbound Tourism Flows based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition”, supervised by Dr. Yukun Bao.

The Provincial First-class Bsc. Thesis Supervision Award (2007), Mr. Xianyue Zheng, “Classifying the Spare Parts by SVMs”, supervised by Dr. Yukun Bao.

The Provincial First-class Bsc. Thesis Supervision Award (2005), Miss Hua Zou, “Forecasting with SVMs: Techniques and Applications”, supervised by Dr. Yukun Bao.

The Excellent Teaching Award in HUST (2005,2004, 2003)

Teaching (2014-2018)


Customer Relationship Management, 16 Teaching Hours

Business Data Analysis and Mining, 240 Teaching Hours


ERP Simulation, 96 Teaching Hours

Communication and Negotiation, 144 Teaching Hours

Management Information Systems, 40 Teaching Hours

Business Negotiation, 64 Teaching Hours

Business English, 176 Teaching Hours
